Cater it – Cater it offers an open platform for catering companies where they can sell their offering over the web and makes it easy for a customer to find a suitable catering company for the exact need.
bitsofYours Software Oy – We are working on a solution that gives your digital valuables a home – and puts you back in control of your bits.
Cariosa Consulting Oy
Clipme Oy

Cybricon Oy – Information Security services and tools for Enterprises, Organizations and the Government to protect their business by revealing Cyber, IT and people related risks threatening their business continuity, business integrity, customer service and reputation. Through Cybricon’s professional services customers get a clear visibility and access to their current risk zones and specific vulnerabilities.
Cybricon’s operation and offering covers the whole Nordic market.

Eaglepeaks Oy – Cloud based big data analytics as a service.

Energiakonsultit Insto Oy – Sisäilma- ja energiapalveluja. Tuotamme asiakkaille palveluja, suunnittelusta toimiviin ratkaisuihin. Palvelusopimuksemme ja hyvinvoinnin palvelusopimuksemme tarjoavat asiakkaillemme nopeita, tehokkaita ja taloudellisesti kannattavia ratkaisuja.

Fourdeg Oy – Saves heating energy and improves indoor temperature comfort in any building with water radiator heating. The solution is based on Hardware enabled Software as Service – in practise a smart thermostat with a connection to cloud server SW.

Futusome Oy – Crawls, enriches and archives Finnish social media. Futusome has a powerful API built on top of the archive. The API allows hard core analysis in BI, research and media monitoring.

Gao Consulting – We are a professional consulting firm specialized in promoting Sino-Nordic business co-operations. Our mission is to lead our customers to commercial success. We act as a bridge of business for our customers to reach the highly challenging international market, which is culturally, economically and environmentally very different from their home market.
Governify Oy
Infopylon Oy
J-Embedded Oy
LHSL Global Oy
Mariefors Open Oy – Kehittää, tuottaa ja välittää innovatiivisia ennaltaehkäiseviä etäpalveluja, jotka toteutetaan keskitetyn ympärivuorokautisesti miehitetyn etäpalvelukeskuksen kautta. Etäpalvelukeskuksessa sovelletaan etätekniikan uusimpia ratkaisuja mm. monipuolisempien ja laajempien hyvinvointi- ja terveyspalveluiden tuottamiseen erityisesti avustetun asumisen tarpeisiin.

Newergy Oy
Nimble Devices Oy

Ofinn Oy
ProdLib Oy
Raksatieto Oy
Rebelboost Oy

RESONOIVA design Oy – RESONOIVA design Ltd offers digital design services and consulting for companies that target their products to be both accessible and fun to use. We aim at the user experience that goes beyond mere ease-of-use and usability: Hardware and software solutions that resonate with the user.
Ricondia Oy

Roger-GPS Oy – Company specialized in Global Navigation Satellite System (GNNS) signal indoors repeating technology for public safety, defense, public transport, airlines, logistics and companies manufacturing, selling and servicing GNSS receivers, terminals, systems and services.

Safely Locked Europe Oy

Salusfin Oy – We develop and sell a home automation platform that is affordable, smart and extendable. Target markets are India, Germany, China, Finland and USA.
Star IT Oy
T-Form Oy
Tibidicis Oy
Time4 Systems Oy

Varpu Works Oy – Software development, mobile apps, and agile/lean consulting.
Versoteq 3D Solutions Oy
Woble Helsinki Oy